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No two proposals are the same


What We Offer


I'm sure you can Google all of the trending proposal ideas. But none of those ideas are "original" and none of them are uniquely created for you and your partners love story.  We are here to cultivate your creativity and to give your spouse a proposal experience they will cherish forever. We work with you to know your love story and to create a proposal that your spouse will know that this was exclusively designed for them.

Effortless Approach

When you hire us, we take all the details off your plate. The only thing we need you to focus on is saying, is four little-big words "Will You Marry Me?." Planning a Proposal within itself is a huge affair. You truly have to cover all the basis, What is the perfect proposal idea, When and Where is this going to happen, How is the proposal going to be executed, and Who is setting this up. Don't forget, finding and coordinating with all the right vendors to help you pull it off.  Hiring us takes all those questions away. You tell whats you you want and we will be there to make it happen. And if you don't know just yet, no biggie! we will figure it out together. 

Support & Guidance

Getting down on one knee is one of the most vulnerable moments you will have in your life. We understand and are deeply invested in offering support and watching you succeed. It’s our honor to support you through this special moment in your life and we will be there for you.


We ensure that network of vendors gives you the highest quality service at the best rate possible for your budget.  We only work with trusted and vetted vendors to make sure your proposal is an ultimate success. All you need to do is review and approve! When you work with us, we are in contact with the vendors at all times. This saves you hours, days, months worth of time and energy.


Saves You Time

Hiring a proposal planner saves you time! You won’t need to waste your valuable Saturday morning time driving around the city looking for the perfect location, or spending hours searching the internet reading reviews or interviewing vendors. We do that for you. All you do is use our trusted vendors.



We find that proposals tend to be an after thought. Most put a great deal of effort into finding the perfect ring and think asking is the easy party. Truth is proposing is more complicated than it looks. Hiring a wedding proposal planner allows us to use our expertise to help you avoid all the mishaps that can come up. We make sure that you only have to focus on enjoying your big day. Ultimately the proposal is only good as the execution. We take care of every last detail for you. You get to live in the moment and focus on the love of your life.

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